European Green Clay Bar Soap

4.92 out of 5
24 Reviews


Bar size: 4 oz.

Suggested adult usage: Gently lather and apply to entire body and face.

The absorbent properties of green clay work in beauty therapies by drawing out impurities and toxins from the skin, toning and firming it and stimulating circulation. Give European Green Clay Bar Soap a try today!

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Benefits of soaps:

  • Your skin is the largest organ; don’t add more chemicals found in many soaps, feed your skin pure and natural ingredients!
  • Olive oil is extremely safe and gentle, delicate enough for a baby’s sensitive skin!
  • Coconut oil provides all the energy your skin needs for restoration and maintenance.
  • Castor oil is perfect for sensitive skin. It’s gentle, moisturizing, and conditioning properties will not disappoint!
  • Our soaps are hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and biodegradable!
  • They gently cleanse, remove dirt, and naturally moisturizes your skin.
  • Age sports, uneven skin tone, sagging skin, and unhealthy dull skin will rejoice with the nutrients contained all of Hope for Health’s soaps! Soon your skin will have a healthy, rejuvenated glow!

Ingredients:  European Green clay powder, Saponified: Vegetable oil, Coconut oil, Vitamin E oil, Olive oil, and Castor oil

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.