
I’ve had severe sinus problems for quite some time. My head would feel so stuffy and start to pound, giving me a migraine. I had so much pressure in the sinus area that it would bring tears to my eyes. I heard a testimony about a woman who made a poultice of SWEDISH BITTERS by just pouring the liquid on a rag and laid it across her nose and cheeks and she said it gave her tremendous relief of sinus pressure when other remedies had failed. I was very skeptical, but ordered the SWEDISH BITTERS anyway. I was extremely surprised when I put the poultice on my face. In a matter of minutes, liquid was oozing out of my nose. The pressure was going down and I began to feel relief. I did this about 3 times a day for 3 days. By the third day, the drainage was minimal and I felt great. I had not felt this relieved in months. They say that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. However, when it comes to the SWEDISH BITTERS, it really IS that good!D.L.

I had a very small age spot on my arm and thought nothing of it. Over time it seemed to be getting larger, but I assumed it was normal and didn’t really worry about it. Finally, it had gotten to be about the size of a dime. Still not too worried I just left it alone, thinking it was just part of getting older. Then it started to raise and change colors. That is when I started to worry. As we all know, that is a classic symptom of skin cancer! I decided to try the CLAY poultice on it because I had heard that it could fade age spots but also dissolve tumors. I applied a poultice every day and left it on all day long. At night I washed it off and in the morning put on a new poultice. Amazingly, after only 2 weeks, the spot had shrank and faded SO much that my husband could not even see it at all. He couldn’t even tell where it had been. I was so happy and relieved, I tell everyone to try the clay. Why not? It’s easy and it works!G.O.

I read that MSM is called the “beauty mineral”, well I can attest to this! I started taking the MSM and B-COMPLEX and within the first WEEK I noticed my skin was looking better and brighter and my hair had more luster. If you think I’m just imagining things, other people around me noticed too! People at my work who had no idea what I was doing were asking me what products I was using on my skin and hair. I was so happy to tell them, nothing! I’m just taking these products from Hope For Health! Thanks so much, I’ve saved a ton without having to buy expensive products for my skin and hair!J.W

About 6 months ago I went in for a routine mammogram, and they found a lump in my right breast. The doctors scheduled more tests and I began to get worried. I called my son, who knows about natural remedies and he told me about the EUROPEAN GREEN CLAY. He said that I could use it as a poultice and also drink it and it would help shrink the lump. I wasn’t sure about it, but I was willing to try anything. I started drinking the clay once a day and at the same time I started applying the poultice to my breast for 2 hours each night. I did this faithfully every day for 2 weeks. Then I went back for another checkup. They said they had to take additional x-rays. After taking the x-rays, the nurse came in and said, you can go home, the x-ray was completely clean. They couldn’t find the lump anywhere! Thank you so much for your GREEN CLAY. It helped me so much! I recommend it to anyone who suffers from this sort of problem.A.G

I tried the LIVING GREEN ENERGY and the ENER-G together! I noticed an increase in my energy level the very next day after I started taking them. I walk every day, and before I started using the products I didn’t have much energy, but now I do! Some of the people in my neighborhood have even commented on the amount of walking I do now.Dee

At 49, and working at a physically demanding job, I wanted more energy to get through the long days. The ENER-G made all the difference in the world! When I take 2-4 capsules in the morning just before work, I can tell a huge difference. Having given up coffee long ago, it gave me the same feeling as far as waking me up and giving me the get-up-and-go energy. Also, I could make it through the whole day without getting tired. I love this product and I always keep a supply on hand. I don’t want to be without it!D.R

Dear Hope For Health, Just a note to let you know how much I like your products! They make me feel so much better and with no side effects. They are absolutely God sentR.B.

When I was diagnosed with Diabetes, my doctor put me on Metformin. I started to monitor my blood sugar level about twice weekly. Usually I would test after fasting overnight and sometimes about 1-1.5 hours after eating. My fasting level was around 118 and around 130 or so after eating. I ordered and received Diabetic Delight and started taking it. I also stopped taking the Metformin. Within less than a week of using only PANCREAS SUPPORT my fasting level dropped from 118 to 97-98. I ordered more PANCREAS SUPPORT and also some BITTER MELON. I did not make any changes to my diet or otherwise, other than getting off of the Metformin and on the PANCREAS SUPPORT. This product is wonderful!E.S

I was working on a lawnmower and I was trying to get a bolt off. I couldn’t get it to budge, so I took a torch and applied heat to it to loosen the rust. The bolt got red-hot and I was able to loosen it and get it off and it fell off onto the ground. I didn’t see where it went when it fell so I continued working. I reached around the other side to work on another area of the mower, and as I moved I set my hand on the ground to stabilize my body. Wouldn’t you know it, that I set my hand smack dab on the hot bolt. When I lifted up my hand to see it, the bolt had burned into my skin and was stuck to the palm of my hand. I shook my hand hard and it flew off, but the area immediately started to blister. I applied some clay mud and the pain instantly went away. I continued to put the CLAY poultices on my hand for a couple days, and it got much better. After only 4 days, it was completely healed with no scar or anything! Now I always keep some prepared CLAY on hand for emergenciesD.O

I have seen positive benefits from using the COLON CLEAR after only ONE day of use. I have suffered from colon problems for years and I’m so excited as nothing has ever started working this fast for me!Mrs. S

Before becoming Vegan I had the worst menstrual pain. It had gotten to the point where I was hospitalized. I switched to a Vegan diet and that helped me some. I was still suffering from monthly cramps that were extremely painful, though I made no more trips to the ER. After taking EVENING PRIMROSE OIL and FLAXSEED OIL as recommended by the Hope For Health Counselors, my latest cycle was absolutely PAIN FREE! No cramps, no debilitating pain and best of all… my emotions were level. Thank you SO much for the recommendations you’ve provided. I feel like a “normal” woman for once in my life. THANK YOU! QuotesAnnelise in Walla Walla, WA