Could It Be Apostasy?
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Revelation informs us that our spiritual condition as Laodiceans is worse than it appears to us. Many will be surprised that the servant of the Lord wrote so frequently regarding apostasy among us as a people. This book is a compilation with comments on this subject organized into ten chapters.
“We have learned by painful experience, also, that when these Testimonies are silent, or their warning lightly regarded, coldness, backsliding, worldly-mindedness, and spiritual darkness take possession of the church. We would not give glory to man, but we should be recreant to our sense of duty not to speak in strong and pointed language our views of the importance of these Testimonies. The fearful apostasy of those who have slighted and despised them has furnished many sad proofs of the dangerous business of doing despite to the Spirit of grace.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 610
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