Director's Message
We look forward to serving you in whatever capacity needed, be it by processing your order, or perhaps you would like to take advantage of our FREE health counseling, or you may be interested in our FREE materials.
All of our Hope for Health products are made from only natural herbs, vitamins and minerals that God has placed on this earth for our benefit. We prayerfully consider each product that we sell and always look for the best possible ingredients. We are made in the image of God, so Who better to instruct in us the ways to keep our bodies healthy!
Along with the supplements that we sell in our store, we also provide life-style counseling to any who are looking to improve their health through diet, moderation in lifestyle choices, exercise, fresh air, sunshine, rest, the use of pure water, and trust in God. We love to cheer you on as you strive to change habits, sometimes it is only baby steps; an apple to replace a cookie, walking to the mailbox, a glass of water rather than a soda, but any change is beneficial and you will be rewarded by a healthier body!
It is our sincere privilege to have helped thousands of people who have called or written to Hope for Health; many want help to decide which of our products would be most beneficial to their situation, others have a more serious concern and are looking for a personal touch to guide them through their difficult time. Our counselors are available to you with no obligations; we understand that in these trying economical times that many of you are seeking an alternative to the medical community, we invite you to join our community of friends seeking the Divine way to health!
On a daily basis we receive Praises to God for the benefits that people have received from Hope for Health products! We give God the Glory and 100% of the profits from the sale of Hope for Health products are used for the work of saving souls.